How you can help

Brighouse Charity Gala only happens because of the fantastic support from the volunteers
Brighouse Charity Gala only happens because of the fantastic support from the volunteers that help to set up on the day, provide support at the Gala and help with the clearance.
We need volunteers to help set up on the day, provide support at the gala through the day and help clearance at the end of the day.
Once the Gala is over the work doesn’t stop we still need lots of volunteers to help with –
Do you have time to commit?
The amount of time you would need to commit would depend on you and what volunteer role you are doing, all we ask is that once you have committed to a role that you go ahead with it or let the Ground chair or Ground Secretary know if anything changes.
Full details of the requirements will be given at the various meetings held in the run up to the gala you are not expected to attend all meetings but will be expected to attend at least 2 where the volunteer roles and expectations on the day will be discussed in detail.
If you are interested in getting involved or require any further information please contact us to discuss or visit our Facebook page and send us a message.
You can contact the Ground Secretary Jordan Hare on 07447 338868

Brighouse Charity Gala happens each year thanks to the organisation of the committee members who are all volunteers themselves and give some of their spare time to ensure the Brighouse Gala is the huge success it is each year.
Each year the Gala grows and more the people able to help with the organisation will in turn help all the good causes that use the Gala to raise valuable funds for their charities.
There are various roles on the executive committee that make sure the Gala runs as smoothly as possible, there are also plenty of opportunities be a non-executive committee member and assist with the organisation and management of the Gala on the day. Executive committee roles are held on a year by year basis with a nomination into the role, these nominations take place at the AGM each year.
Committee meetings are held once a month on an evening with extra meetings including the AGM and the open evening just before the actual Gala, as an executive committee member you would be expected to attend all meetings, non-executive committee members do not need to attend all meetings but the more meetings you attend the more up to date on information you will be. All committee members will be expected to give as much time as possible over the Gala weekend.
If you are interested in taking on a more active role with the Brighouse Charity Gala please feel free to contact us using the contact us form on the website.